
Trying to cross the road where there isn’t a traffic signal is perilous. Drivers are focused on getting where they are going and don’t look out for pedestrians. Here is a positive way to make the roads safer for everybody.

The Romans

One of my book groups recently read The Fall of the Roman Empire by Peter Heather.  It was a bit of a slog getting through the book but it lead to an unusually animated discussion about whether the peasantry was better off under the Romans or their successors.  One group held that it didn’t matter …

Trompe L’Oeil

The building across from our hotel in Santa Margherita The decorations on this building are not real.  They are painted on using a technique that make them look real.  The technique goes by the French name “Trompe L’Oiel” which means roughly to fool the eye.  It is pronounced: “trum ploy”. A close-up illustrates the point …

Georgia Opportunity

My good friend Gene Brogdon is building a new mixed use development in Richmond Hill, Georgia, USA. Coastal Georgia is one of the worlds most beautiful spots.  This is the link to the building project: A few years ago when they were thinking about building in downtown Richmond Hill I suggested the four story …