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Holiday Greetings

Humans need holidays. As soon as a society gets to surplus it starts to have festivals. In the Christian world Christmas tops the list. I’m not a Christian but I love your holiday. Merry Christmas “And to all a goodnight.” Photo is of a Poinsettia tree in the local Mall.


“Attitude is a skill that can be learned and taught.” According to Walter Isaacson in Elon Musk, Musk focused on attitude when making hiring and firing decisions. He said something to the effect that skills can be learnt but attitude is innate. Seth Godin is paraphrased above saying the opposite. What do you think? This came up because on the Illinois River while boating with Gene and Carole, I commented on how many young people in service jobs had such cheerful and helpful attitudes. The… Read More »Attitude

The Status Quo

“The status quo is good at surviving protests.” “Public art, flowers and a tree.Better than a church tour for me.” Rhyming couplet at no additional charge.

The Road to Hana

I received this postcard from Lilli and Rebecca when they drove to Hana during our December trip to Maui. I supplied the stamps. They said it was “roughly the equivalent of several raccoons.” Driving the Road to Hana is an experience that is not easily illustrated. This card does a pretty good job but it doesn’t get there. A photo of a concert does not give you the experience of going to the concert. The same is true with the Road to Hana. It has… Read More »The Road to Hana

Words Seldom Seen: Paroxysm

Paroxysm Noun: a sudden attack or violent expression of a particular emotion or activity. Example: His paroxysm of coughing was followed by another paroxysm of denial that it was Covid related. Photo of fall colors in Santa Fe, New Mexico


“If you want strong trees, prune them.”


“There are no solutions; there are only tradeoffs.” Thomas Sowell, American Economist Photo is from Green Park in London looking north from Buckingham Palace.

Lessons from History

“That people do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of the lessons that history has to teach us.” Aldous Huxley