The Georgia Guidestones

Nurit and I drove from Atlanta to Elberton to visit the Georgia Guidestones. They are included on many lists as a Henge in Georgia. You judge: There would be a picture here but see the previous post.


There is a list of advise for the world written in eight languages on the sides of the stones:


You can follow this link to see a picture:

or this one:

Like any good henge the guide stones have an observatory feature in this case a slot that the sun shines directly through at the solistice.  Here is a view through the slot:


While we were in Elberton we also visited the Granite Museum. It has free postcards but “only take a few”. Elberton is the self proclaimed “Granite Capital of the World”


The single piece of granite in a needle is one of the prides of the town:


It was an excellent day of driving in the piedmont and seeing the dogwoods and azaleas in bloom.

3 Replies to “The Georgia Guidestones”

  1. I hope you did take pictures of the Georgia Guidestones. I really want to see your slideshow.

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