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Nanny State


“We also need what no government can provide, the power of compassion and prayer and love.” George W Bush From a speech to the NAACP in July 2000


“Government can spend money, but it cannot put hope in someone’s heart or a sense of purpose in someone’s life.” George W Bush From a speech to the NAACP in July 2000

The Purpose of Business

“There is one and only one social responsibility of business–to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in open and free competition without deception or fraud.“ Milton Friedman, Free to Choose This is Friedman at his most controversial. I agree with him. They don’t have two or three different ways of scoring a basketball game and there should only be one way of scoring… Read More »The Purpose of Business

Tax Thursday Two

There are nine million families in the United States with second homes. How about an excise tax on all of them. Starting at $100 on a cabin in the woods of Wisconsin to $10,000 on a big second home in Aspen. Estimated revenue Ten Billion dollars. It can be spent on helping the homeless.

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Environmental Confusion

Carrying a refillable water bottle is an excellent way of virtue signaling that you care about the environment. It should be pointed out that some of that virtue is lost when the bottle comes wrapped in bubble wrap in a cardboard box. Life is a paradox.

Politically Incorrect

In France they smoke a lot more than in Arizona. And apparently their dogs also smoke more than ours. Photo taken in a tourist area of Lyon, France