Category Archives: Simon Says


Deep in the earth, north of the Chocolate mines of Perugia and under the hazelnut forests of Umbria an amazing phenomenon occurs. The volcanic heat melts a seam of the chocolate; forces beyond our grasp press it upward through the deep roots of the hazelnut forest. The chocolate is forced onward perhaps through natural fissures, perhaps through channels created long ago by the Romans, the Etruscans or the gods themselves. No one knows. Finally high above Gubbio at a secret place known only to a few the substance now known as Nutella rises to the surface.


High above Gubbio in Umbria

It seeps slowly out of seemingly solid rocks. It is so pure that it needs no processing. It is gathered and placed in jars (or in those handy single serving packages) and shipped throughout the world. A food so sweet that honey bees stay away from it, so smooth that it spreads evenly anywhere and so supernatural that it never requires refrigeration.

Le Sorgenti della Nutella

The spring, now called Nutella, was first discovered by the Roman General Sweetius in 45AD and named “Fons Nutellium Sweetius.” Which translates as the spring of nutty stuff discovered by Sweetius. There is evidence, sticky pottery chards etc, that the Nutellium was sold in Rome and as far away as Pompeii.

Sticky pottery in Pompeii

Knowledge of the spring was lost in 450AD when the Vandals sacked Rome. It was not rediscovered permanently until the 20th century although there are some stains that might be chocolate on the page that Michelangelo wrote about a substance from Umbria that is “sweeter than honey”. In 1945 a young American soldier of Italian descent, Claude Cavoli, was patrolling the hills above Gubbio when he slipped on a seep of a brown substance. Suspecting the worst he sniffed his finger and was pleasantly surprised. He returned to the spring a few days later and discovered the ancient Roman inscription on a stone in a pile of rubble nearby: “Nutellium.”


Roman inscription discovered at the spring.

The rest, of course, is common knowledge. Within a few years the Italian national flavor was reintroduced to the world and the world is a sweeter place.

Throughout history food has played an important role in the development of Nations. The Isrealites were given manna from heaven when they were wandering hungry in the desert. George Washington’s army was saved at Valley Forge by the spring run of the Shad fish. The Australians have Vegemite (although nobody knows why). The Russians have Vodka (we all know why). The Irish have potatoes, the Mexicans have tortillas, and the English have fish and chips. But above them all the Italians have Nutella, a gift from the gods.
Nutella Springs
While living La vida e bella
And eating the best mozzarella
We went to Sorrento,
Positano, Ravello
Researching the source of Nutella.

Think a Gallon of Gas is Expensive?

Here are a few comparisons to other liquids we purchase. The unit price has been converted into cost per gallon:

* Diet Snapple 16oz $1.29 $10.32/gallon

* Lipton Ice tea 16oz $1.19 $9.52/gallon

* Garorade 20oz $1.59 $10.17/gallon

* Vick’s Nyquil 6oz $8.35 $178.13/gallon

* Scope 1.5oz $0.99 $84.48/gallon

* Whiteout 7oz $1.39 $25.43/gallon

*Evian Water 9oz $1.49 $21.19/gallon

I guess gasoline doesn’t cost so much when you think about it.

Thanks to John Fredrickson a terrific Pasadena Real Estate Broker for compiling the above information.


We were in Italy when the World Cup started and so we have been enjoying watching all of the matches. Now even though the USA and Mexico have both been eliminated we are still watching. I’m now for England or Italy.

world cup Italy.JPG

I think that of all sports, soccer is the best metaphor for life.

  • There are very few breaks in the action.
  • You have to always be on offense and defense.
  • Most of what you try doesn’t work.
  • A lot of what goes on is important but boring.

In Italy they set up TV in piazzas so people could watch:


To win in soccer:

• Teamwork is necessary, but so are heroic individual acts.
• Luck counts.
• Lots of the time you know the score, but not how much time there is to play.
• Conditioning is incredibly important.
• It has some silly rules like “off sides” and “hands.”

Just like in life.

Here is a picture of me wearing my 1998 world cup tee shirt:

world cup france.JPG

Ranger Doug’s Rules

When we hiked the loop trail to the High Sierra Camps in Yosemite a few years ago our guide was “Ranger Doug.” He is full of fun, wisdom and awe and was a terrific guide. We wrote these rules based on the advise he gave us during the week we spent with him:

Yosemite 2002

Ranger Doug’s Rules
Take Heart
For every uphill there is an equal and opposite downhill.

Rip Rap is not a type of Pop Music.

Guiardia is not a chocolate factory in San Francisco.

Assume the signs are wrong.

Mosquitoes are not an endangered species

Never miss an opportunity to take off your pack and boots.

If you don’t like the weather wait 20 minutes.

The cure for boredom is adventure.

Mountain Lions, Rattlesnakes and Bears. Oh my!

Hydration is the cure. What is the problem?

Being in the high country is like living in a postcard.

Once in your life walk barefoot in a meadow.

Yosemite 2002
Walking barefoot in a meadow
Click on the picture to see more Yosemite photos.

Writing Postcards

I write about two hundred postcards a month many of them to people I have never met. The question is why do I bother? The following is a cosmic big picture reason. But the main reason is that I enjoy it. It gives me pleasure to try and condense a moment into a 3″ by 4″ space. I know that some of the cards give the recipients pleasure but the reason I write them is entirely selfish. I laugh at my own jokes.

Postcard 8

Some cards are of beautiful scenes

Life lessons to be learned from sending postcards:
1. The 80/20 law. 80% of the value of the card comes from sending it. The message, the picture and where it is from are incidental to the value. In the words of Woody Allen “Eighty percent of success is just showing up.”
2. Just because you will get very little feedback you shouldn’t stop. Postcards don’t have return addresses and an acknowledgement should not be expected. The benefit should be from the sending. However the people who receive cards from you will be a network of good friends far into the future.

Postcard 6
Some of them are not beautiful.

3. Everybody loves personal attention. Hand addressed mail is getting as rare as customer service in retail stores and doctors who make house calls. Sending postcards give the recipient a unique experience which they will appreciate.

Postcard 7
Multi-picture cards are a popular
choice for people who can’t decide.
4. Accept the constraints of the situation. The space for the message is very restricted. Make your messages shorter. Think of it as “American Haiku.”
Postcard 5
Exotic places are always popular.

5. Fun is an acceptable goal in its own right. Don’t be too serious or preachy. Be quirky, current, clever or informational.
6. Change is…. In the next two generations mail will stop being delivered to homes every day. The cards that are sent today will be the collectables of the future.

Postcard 9

Sadly this one is already a collectable.

Change Is…

I have been working a lot on my Radical Migration site and will be getting the separate site for going soon. Note that the pictures on cellphonehenge are done through flickr and are much faster loading than with the old method. Progress is being made. Thanks to my web dude Matt Geldin for patiently teaching me how build my site.

The Lottery

“Couple wins Millions in Lottery”
            Headline in the Pasadena Star News January 7, 2006

“Millions lose Couple in Lottery”
            The story they didn’t cover in the Pasadena Star News