Ranger Doug’s Rules

When we hiked the loop trail to the High Sierra Camps in Yosemite a few years ago our guide was “Ranger Doug.” He is full of fun, wisdom and awe and was a terrific guide. We wrote these rules based on the advise he gave us during the week we spent with him:

Yosemite 2002

Ranger Doug’s Rules
Take Heart
For every uphill there is an equal and opposite downhill.

Rip Rap is not a type of Pop Music.

Guiardia is not a chocolate factory in San Francisco.

Assume the signs are wrong.

Mosquitoes are not an endangered species

Never miss an opportunity to take off your pack and boots.

If you don’t like the weather wait 20 minutes.

The cure for boredom is adventure.

Mountain Lions, Rattlesnakes and Bears. Oh my!

Hydration is the cure. What is the problem?

Being in the high country is like living in a postcard.

Once in your life walk barefoot in a meadow.

Yosemite 2002
Walking barefoot in a meadow
Click on the picture to see more Yosemite photos.
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