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Ranger Doug’s Rules

Ranger Doug’s Rules Take Heart: For every uphill there is an equal and opposite downhill. Rip Rap is not a type of Pop Music. Giardia is not a chocolate factory in San Francisco. Assume the signs are wrong. Mosquitoes are not an endangered species Never miss an opportunity to take off your pack and boots. If you don’t like the weather wait 20 minutes. The cure for boredom is adventure. Mountain Lions, Rattlesnakes and Bears. Oh my! Hydration is the cure. What is the problem?… Read More »Ranger Doug’s Rules

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“Life is like a cactus, full of pricks but also very beautiful.“ Variously Attributed


“He’d always had a quickening of the heart when he crossed into Arizona and beheld the cactus country.” Dorothy B. Hughes, in The Expendable Man Photo is of a postcard sunset taken long enough ago that there is no chance of recovering credit.