Pasadena Priorities

Pasadena it seems you have your priorities mixed up.  My local Starbucks had to remove the outside seating on South Lake Avenue because of a “permitting issue.” And yet in the same block homeless men are sleeping on the street. Maybe they have permits?  Maybe they have advocates. It’s a good thing I know the …

Fire 3

Our neighbors who lost their home in the fire this week are doing better than expected.  I think that this is because they had all three of the elements necessary to survive a tragedy. They have social capital.  Meaning friends and associates that care about them as people. I had written about how important social …

Low Expectations Revised

I have often said that: “The Key to Happiness is Low Expectations.” It is an excellent conversation starter and a reasonably applicable mantra.  Yesterday at LAX I said it to a  Southwest Airlines pilot while waiting in line at Starbucks.  He though for a few seconds and then retorted: “except with regard to airplane maintenance.” …

Defensive Pessimism

It turns out that one of my philosophical anchors “The key to happiness is low expectations” has a name it is called Defensive Pessimism.  There was a short article about defensive pessimism in the March edition of Oprah Magazine.  It is defined as “a calculated form of negative thinking that can lead to very positive …

Grand Kitties

In the spirit of “The Key to Happiness is Low Expectations” Here are some pictures of my grand-kitties. Basil TicTac Evelyn and Belle (on top) Basil and TicTac are in Lillian’s family and Evelyn and Belle are with Rebecca in New Jersey.


“Money is an essential ingredient to happiness in this world.” Alexander Hamilton in Hamilton by Ron Chernow pg 127 A free postcard from the Tommy Bahama Restaurant in Scottsdale. Bring money.

Standing Back

You may recall that back in May I planted (and blogged about) some ancient pepper seeds from England.  The instructions said plant seeds and STAND BACK.  We did: Perhaps I stood to far back.  Can anybody tell me if there is a Pepper Plant in this healthy growth of weeds? It is a reminder that: …