Blogging in the Age of TikTok

Eating the moon on Piestewa Peak. Photo credit Mark V.

My blog is nearing twenty years old with more than 4000 posts. I really not keeping track. It has evolved a lot over the years and the environment around it has evolved even more. Its purpose is to give me a place to share, rant, tease and record how I see the world. It also help me in my search for the perfect one liner.

Five or so years ago when Facebook made it hard to promote posts on their site I added a subscriber function. That worked fine until about a year ago when the emails for the subscription service stopped sending the photos which are an integral part of my posts. We are still working to fix that. But it may be impossible. In the meantime I’ll keep posting five or six ideas a week and eventually we will have a body of work that you can read at my funeral.

Life is Good.


Nick A. is a friend of Gene and Carole in Richmond Hill.  He has a very creative blog site. It includes insights one can only get from someone who is both creative and a quadriplegic.   If you want to learn to see things differently read Nick.  Warning this blog is not for those who want to keep wearing rose colored glasses.

Nick’s friend Gene