
It was the coldest winter ever.  Many animals died because of the cold. The porcupines, realizing the situation, decided to group together to keep warm. This way they covered and protected themselves; but the quills of each one wounded their closest companions. Continue reading “Porcupines”


If someone cares enough to dislike your work, the best response is, “thank you.” “Thank you for taking the time to consider it, thank you for caring enough to let me know…”

Having an opinion about our work is a reflection on the relationship between the work and the observer. It is not a reflection on the creator of the work.

Or in less words: “Don’t take it personally.” Continue reading “Caring”

Take Out the Trash

Lilli and Alex 1979

A story in the WSJ reported that what tasks a person takes on in the home are mostly dependent on who does it first.
The same logic or lack of logic applies to driving to work. As soon as you find a route that works you stick to it. It also dictates a lot of small and large things in your life. What you eat, how you respond to questions, how hard or smart you work and whether you go to the gym. Continue reading “Take Out the Trash”

Eternal Life

“In hope of eternal life.”

The Taco Guild is in an old church and they wisely kept the stained glass windows. I speculated that this one was apropos of the well known connection between tacos and longevity.

Did I mention how good (and creative) the tacos are at the Taco Guild they might be the source of eternal life?