The Chatham House Rule

When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.


Can Mega-Corporations be controlled?


Is it necessary?

Then why aren’t you thinking more about the question?

Photo is a perspective deception at Balanced Rock.

Companies like Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Boeing, Google

Baseball Cutouts

The photo cutouts at the stadiums in the Time of COVID could be an opportunity for some advertisers. Imagine this:

Levi’s says in ads: send us a picture of you wearing your Levi’s shirt and you can join the Levi’s Diamondbacks section free. Hundred of photos in Levi’s shirts would make people want to buy Levi’s shirts.

You can substitute some other company for Levi’s and you can change the idea. Iams could build a dog picture section.

I’m giving this idea to the Diamondbacks. Please forward to anyone you know in baseball.


Smart Straw?

We can forgive a man for making a useful thing as long as he does not admire it.”

Oscar Wilde

In this case I see what Oscar means.

Remote Workers

It might be time to invest in companies that provide work space for remote workers. As a result of the pandemic many more people might be able to break away from the home office.

Wrong Way Doors

Last week we had dinner with Nancy H at The White Chocolate Grille in North Scottsdale. The door to the very nice restaurant is large and very hard to open. I asked about it at the host stand and was told that sometimes it is very windy and it will blow open on its own if it isn’t strong.

It gave me an idea that you could invent a door that had a remote Bluetooth sensor on the roof that adjusted the pull based on the wind speed. This I thought is a great new invention idea so I resolved to put it on the blog. A few days later while composing the blog post in my head I realized that if your going to mess around with sensors and electricity why not just electrify the door like they do in supermarkets. Proven technology already exists to solve the White Chocolate Grille’s problem. I wonder why they don’t use it.

The picture is from a decade ago in Chowchilla, California.