Less is More

“As my handwriting deteriorates, my thinking concentrates and I try to say more with less words.”

I’m still writing a lot of postcards but sometimes even I can’t read my writing.


“The one who serves best profits most.”

Photo is of an excellent train mural in Bethesda Maryland. In business and in life focus on serving others and profits will follow. If you focus primarily on profiit you are much more likely to fail.

Antelope Canyon

“A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever.”

John Keats

Some places are so sublimely beautiful they defy description. Antelope Canyon is one of them.

I took the photo five years ago the last time we visited. Hopefully in the next day or two I will be back there with my brother Tom. Life is good,


“Physics doesn’t care about feelings.”

Elon Musk

Photo is of President Zelensky in Chicago pleading for naval weapons. We can discuss whether we like Musk at length but we can agree that he has made the world a better place.

Promises Promises

“Decades of entitlement promises are finally running into reality,

reality is going to win.”

Photo is from a Postcrossing postcard I received. I have no idea where it is from, who took it or if it was heavily colorized. I just know it is stunningly beautiful.

Idea Filter

“Some ideas are so stupid only intellectuals believe them.”

Thomas Sowell

An idea that probably fits this definition is that we can stop the spread of “invasive species.” The photo shows the sign showing the area near Chicago where they have electrified the Industrial Canal in an attempt to keep the Asian Carp from reaching the Great Lakes. It will fail but only after a lot of money has been spent.