What can you do?

“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”

John Wooden, UCLA Basketball Coach

One thing you can do is give immigrants work without asking for “documentation.

Words Seldom Seen: Overton Window

The Overton Window

Noun phrase: The range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time.

Example: “He attempted to shift the Overton Window on immigration by proposing that, in order to build up our population to compete with China’s 1.3 billion people, the US admit 100 million immigrants from Latin America and Africa in the next decade.”

Thanks to Bob K. for bringing this very interesting concept to my attention.


The last few months aside the rules for trade, migration and travel are the best they have ever been.

Walter Wriston wrote The Twilight of Sovereignty in 1992 and predicted that what the state was able to control would decrease over the next 30 years. It has happened and no matter how the media spin it we now have more trade, more tourism and more migration than ever before in history. The rules have followed the reality and no one is in charge.

Because of these changes billions of people live better than we ever dreamed of. There is much that we still need to accomplish for the poorest 10% but take a bow, poverty is almost ended.