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Health Care

Facemask Hat

A face mask baseball cap combination has a lot of a advantages. Your mask is on your hat so you won’t forget it, It is handy when you need it, It is virtue signaling made easy. Nurit and I had this idea yesterday. Please feel free to steal it, improve it and be the first to market. You can thank me later.

Words Seldom Seen: Endogenous

Endogenous Endogenous, adjective: Having an internal cause or origin. Antonym: Exogenous Example: “the expected rate of infection is endogenous to the system” Photo from what remains of an orange orchard on 22nd St north of Camelback

Wash Your Hands

I borrowed this image from a postcard on Postcrossing. The wording was originally borrowed from a British WWII poster and is now ubiquitous on social media and on postcards. Keep Calm and Carry On

COVID Cleanup

Lot’s of us have been spending a lot more time at home since COVID-19 (How this name came to be) and many people are cleaning out their stuff. Which is good in its own right and it has created an opportunity for me. I send postcards and I told a few people that because of COVID restrictions my stock of cards was running low. Suddenly people doing COVID Cleanouts were finding cards that they bought on trips but never sent and giving them to me.… Read More »COVID Cleanup

Factfulness Teaser

“Would I ever hear about children who don’t drown?” Hans Rosling in Factfulness In this quote Rosling is summing up how the news media get it wrong, not willfully, but because they focus on the horrible not the pleasant. This is to fill our insatiable appetite for the misfortune of others.


“Human beings have a strong dramatic instinct toward binary thinking.” Hans Rosling in Factfulness He goes on to point out that a lot of the world is not binary it is varied and seeing it as binary makes for bad decisions. For instance China is not all bad or all good.

Sanitized by…..

It isn’t enough to sanitize, you also have to leave a physical sign that the area has been sanitized. Thank you Pedro! And so the pandemic response enters the “Security Theater” phase. Like taking off your shoes at the airport it is a response to the need to “do something.” If you want to do something Wash Your Hands again.


“Witness the secret, silent miracle of human progress.” Hans Rosling in Factfulness When I hike alone I pick up some rocks as I walk along that as a group of five will make a simple Inukshuk. After I make it in a place where I can take a nice photo I leave it for others to find. I apologize if I offend the mountain purists.