Cindy Packard Richmond

Nurit and I had dinner with Cindy and Harvey Richmond on Sunday night. Cindy was a college friend of mine and we reconnected in April of this year. Harvey and I were in the same fraternity and competed to see who was the poorest member.  I promised in my blog posting in April that I would buy some of her art. She, Cindy Packard Richmond is a very talented artist and on this trip we were able to buy two of her paintings.
Cindy Richmond
An oil of some garlic that I loved
Cindy Richmond
And a pastel of a marsh that Nurit loved

We went to their beautiful suburban Washington DC house
Cindy Richmond
and chose two painting we liked right off their walls. It felt like a very in-crowd thing and perhaps a bit illicit.

We then went to a very nice restaurant, name to follow when I remember it, nearby and Cindy bought dinner. The food was excellent and the company was even better.
Cindy Richmond
Life is good.

The Newlin Grist Mill

Rebecca took us to the Newlin Grist Mill on US 1 just south of Philadelphia. A mill was first built on this site in 1705.

Newlin Grist Mill

It was a beautiful morning and we walked along the stream

Newlin Grist Mill

and peeked into the mill itself. The mill is still operated occasionally.

Newlin Grist Mill

I really like old mills and this one is well preserved and has inexpensive postcards:

Postcard 2

Life is good.


Barbara Kingsolver wrote this book about her year of trying to eat local food.  Animal, Vegetable, Miracle 
It reminded me of Living the Good Life by Helen and Scott Nearing a book that was something of a cult classic for the hippies in the late 60’s and early 70’s.
Basically these are nice sentiments made possible by the mass production and distribution systems that they are a rebellion against.  I fell for it in the 70’s why shouldn’t our children fall for it now.  I will predict that the back to nature movement will gain strength as the baby boomers retire and have the time to return to this kind of harmless daydreaming about a simpler life.

Fort McAllister

Gene and I went to Fort McAllister a Civil War Fort run by the State of Georgia.

Danny and Gene

Gene knew Danny Brown who manages the place so we dressed up in his re-enactment costumes and had some fun.



The problem was that I couldn’t stop smiling.


This cannon was used by the southern army to try and keep the union iron clads from taking the fort. There is an excellent self guided tour of the reconstructed fort. A lot of the rebuilding was done by Henry Ford.


What is the name of this plant?
Unknown plant

It grows profusely in cultivated beds:

Unknown plant
If you know the name email me or click on the comment link below. I’m planning to add it to my tropical garden.

Should I offer a prize?

A Great Gift

Many years ago Lillian gave me a front end loader lawn ornament with spinning wheels.

front end loader

It was a big hit in the neighborhood and proved to be very durable.  But after five or so years it was looking a little long in the tooth.

For my Birthday a few weeks ago Lillian gave me a “Tractor Farm Spinner” from the same company.  When I installed it yesterday it made me smile all day.


Great Gift Lillian.

Premier Kites has a web site.


Here are a few photos of some sculptures I like:


I bought a few ants in Mexico last year


Lenin and Stalin are from China

about 16″ high


Ditto for Chairman Mao


This Giraffe is from Mexico

about 20″ tall

These next few pieces are by Carole Babcock. I saw her work in the beautiful back yard of Vern and Sarah O in Pasadena. I don’t own one yet but I’m planning to.




These pieces are very reasonably prices and extremely well crafted. If you want to get in touch with Carole email me and I’ll put you in touch.

Send Me A Postcard

Hazel has a web site titled “Send me a Postcard.”  Hazel you have a great idea and you have come to the right place. Her goal is to get more postcards than anyone else on the planet ever. We can help.


I sent this one

I’ve been writing about 100 postcards a month for about three years now. And some of my main recipients are well ahead of Hazel. For instance I’ve sent Lillian well over 150. During the time I’ve been writing I have received a lot but I haven’t counted yet.


But this is not about me it’s about Hazel and her quixotic quest. Visit her web site and send her a post card. Click here to learn more about my quest for free postcards “the perfect marketing tool.”

Hazel’s address is:

I Sent You a Postcard,

Flat 9, Queens Court,

Palatine Road,

West Didsbury,

Manchester, United Kingdom, M20 3ZA

A Flash From the Past

When we were in Washington DC two weeks ago we stayed in Alexandria, VA because Nurit had heard that it was a trendy place and there was a Kimpton Hotel there.  During our short stay the weather was lousy but we really liked Alexandria and on our last morning we went to The Torpedo Factory  It is an artist cooperative with both studio and gallery space. It includes some very good artists and we thought it was the best of the cooperative spaces we have seen in the world.

In one studio we were admiring some pastels of food by “Richmond” when I found a free postcard and noticed the artists full name Cindy Packard Richmond.  A little investigation indicated that this was the Cindy Packard who went to Skidmore who grew up in Greenwich and was in fact one of my very good college friends.  I was excited and left my business card with a cryptic note hoping to make a reconnection with my past.

As we were driving out of the parking lot of the hotel the phone rang.  It was Cindy, we immediately cancelled our plans to go into Washington DC and spent a delightful few hours catching up with her.  She was my friend at Union College in Schenectady, NY before, during and after my time in the army.  I spent my first few days out of the army, Christmas 1970, with her at her parents home in Greenwich.  Cindy has written two published novels and is now a very talented painter in oils and pastels.  Harvey her husband works for the Department of Homeland Security devising ways to make the lines longer at airports.

You can look at Cindy’s work at her very well done web site. Here is a picture that I blatantly lifted from her site.


As soon as our remodel is finished and we have our art rehung I’m going to buy one of her pieces.  I promise.