
“If you want a better future, trust markets, not bureaucrats.”

The Brittlebush are blooming in central Arizona. It is an annual two or three week phenomenon and it turns much of the desert yellow. Wonderful.


“Cremation is my last hope for a smoking hot body”

A popular meme with many creators.

The photo was taken by my Great, Great Uncle J.C.Burrow at a church yard in Cornwall about 1900. I used it to demonstrate how the treatment of human remains has changed over time.


You can’t plan for serendipity

But you can leave space for it.

This is another of a continuing series of posts about serendipity.

Simon and Serendipity are alliterative and I should be able to make a nice motto out of them but the only one I’ve come up with so far is “Simon Seeks Serendipity.” Which doesn’t work because serendipity has to find you. The very seeking of a serendipitous moment makes it less serendipitous. It requires more work.

Meanwhile you can admire me holding the moon in my hand, Photo credit Mike C.

Thin Ice

“If we’re treading on thin ice then we might as well dance.”

Jesse Winchester

A recycling bin reflected in a puddle in Phoenix. Why ask why?

The Greatest Glory

“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

Nelson Mandela

Photo credit to Tom Burrow. Phoenix from a tall building is the sunset capital of the world during the winter.


Brevity is the soul of wit.

William Shakespeare (from Hamlet)

The photo is of an Inukshuk I erected in the parking lot at Spur Cross Trailhead.