Revolutionary Filing System

A Piling System

Save time and space. Stop using those dangerous and expensive file drawers and filing cabinets As a bonus you you can stop feeling bad about the system you have been using and hating for years. Stacks are good. You don’t have to hate them. In fact: Let Piles Be Your Friend. It would be even cooler if you could make corresponding folders on your electronics.

Recreational Beliefs

Recreational Beliefs

Recreational beliefs are beliefs that you hold that don’t effect the way you live your life. For instance: Believing that aliens have landed on earth and the government is covering it up is a recreational belief: Believing that there is a conspiracy to make us all vegetarians is a recreational belief. and believing that Trump actually won the 2020 election is also a recreational belief.

Recreational beliefs have use as a signal of group membership; they are easy to hold without demanding any action.

I believe that the lithium in Tesla batteries lowers Tesla drivers fertility.

Head Shoes

If you want to sell shoes you have to use your head.

This is a good illustration of the maxim: “If you are not different you don’t exist. If you are too different you’re scary.”

TSA Compliant

In a local store in Phoenix they cleverly are telling you what you need to know. These travel size products are TSA compliant.

And we all know how important it is to comply with the TSA.