The Trump Vaccine

Since it appears that the percentage of the unvaccinated correlates with the amount of Trump support in any particular area and coercive measures seem to be counter productive. I’d like to suggest another approach.

Change the name of one of the vaccines to “The Trump Vaccine” and pay former President Trump a royalty for each person who receives the vaccination. It would be a classic of turning a negative into a positive.

Photo is of our Country Walkers group working its way slowly across a log bridge in the Olympic NP.


”Organic Cigarettes”

Is there anyone in the world who thinks this is a good idea?

This is a photo of an actual ad in the Phoenix version of New Times.

Words Seldom Seen: Aphasia


Noun: Loss of ability to understand or express speech, most often caused by brain damage.

Example: “Just because you can’t remember anyone’s name doesn’t mean you are suffering from aphasia.”

Photo is a semi wild donkey (burro) in Grand Cayman taken in 2006.