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Better Data One

During Thanksgiving weekend I managed to cut the skin off one of my knuckles with a box knife.  The next day I went to the new (two year old) Pasadena Urgent Care facility down the hill. They first chastised me for not coming in right away and then patched it up using dermabond, put on a splint and gave me an instruction sheet, and this is the part that interests the ideapreneur, which they had just printed from the internet. This is a big improvement. … Read More »Better Data One

Recycled Coffee Idea

I have had a Tassimo Coffee maker for five years now and I love the coffee it makes and the convenience.  I don’t like the cost or the waste involved in using it.  I saved the used pods for a month and they filled a small grocery bag.  The waste is appalling.


While others see a problem I see a business opportunity.  People who buy Tassimo or Kuerig machines are well off and for the most part socially aware.  Design a $100 pod recycler.  It would rinse the coffee grounds out of the pod and separate the foil from the plastic.  All this would be done in a nice clean easy to use way.Read More »Recycled Coffee Idea

Top Ideas in 2011

In the last year I have posted about 40+/- items in the ideas category.  Some are repeats,  some are maxims about ideas but it looks like there are about 30 new ideas and some of them are pretty good ideas.  There are social ideas as well as product and service ideas.  Some of them are original like the Israeli Student Marching Band in the Rose Parade and some of them are giving publicity and perhaps a tweak to an idea that someone else is developing… Read More »Top Ideas in 2011


Back in 2006 I claimed the title of Ideapreneur.  And then basically did nothing with it except have about 240 new ideas in the ensuing five years.  Which turn out to be almost 50 ideas a year or almost one a week.  So I’m going to make the ideapreneur a regular weekly feature on  Like the weekly maxim or Simon says Postcards.  I think it will be scheduled for Saturdays.  Sometimes it will be a new idea sometimes I’ll recycle one of those 240… Read More »Ideapreneur

Peanut Detector

A lot of people have peanut allergies.  Some people are affected by small amounts of peanut oil in foods that were just processed near peanuts.  A menu for them is a dangerous place.  Why not make a peanut detector that would sniff food and tell the owner if it had peanuts in it. It would have to be handheld easy to use cost less than $200 The market would be millions of them.  I suspect that there is a chemistry breakthrough required to make it… Read More »Peanut Detector