
Here is a wonderful postcard application that I just found about and joined. Thanks to Stephanie M. for forwarding this one. Postcrossing Basically you register with Postcrossing and then send a postcard to an address they supply.  When the card is received Postcrossing sends your address to someone else in the world and that person …

Fine, Just Fine

“What could we have done better tonight?” This is what a restaurant manager should be asking instead of the usual “How is your food? A small change might elicit some useful information and some goodwill. “How is your food tasting?” usually doesn’t do that. Photo is of one of the postcards I send that is …

Promises Promises

“Decades of entitlement promises are finally running into reality, reality is going to win.” Photo is from a Postcrossing postcard I received. I have no idea where it is from, who took it or if it was heavily colorized. I just know it is stunningly beautiful.

No Regrets

Good days bring you happiness. Bad days bring you experience. This optimistic saying was on a Postcrossing card I received from Russia. It was unsigned so I can’t give direct attribution. But a short Google search turned up Richard Feynman, the Cal Tech professor as the originator. The photo is in the American Bar in …

Design Rules

I received this great Sonoran Desert Christmas Postcard from a Postcrosser in Canada. I’m going to try to track it down and use it for my card next year. As Lantern Press says “It’s all about the image.” I’ve used the same card for about four years now and it is getting old fashioned. My …