Spring Fever

Who will be demonstrating in your town this spring?  Last year about this time the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations were getting started and were replicating around the nation as the “Occupy Anything” movement.  It is almost spring again.  What will send young people to the streets this year?

Non sequitur photo

If a Republican were president it would almost certainly be the administrations Predator Drone attacks on US citizens without due process.  But a popular Democrat can get by on this one.  Imagine if George Bush were doing it…

It might be the undocumented going to the streets to protest for a pathway to citizenship, I would understand, although I’m not sure it won’t be counter productive.  It might be better to have a stealth campaign where everyone just approaches their friends,neighbors, coworkers and employers and asks for their support.  But these things are unpredictable.

It might be the Tea Party protesting the negative unintended consequences of “Obama Care” that are starting to reverberate through the economy.  We just had a 25% increase in our health care premiums.

My money is on the young over trained under employed intelligentsia.  They have time on their hands and real gripes.  Like no jobs.  What their specific grievance will be is anybody’s guess.

Who do you think will go to the barricades this spring?

One Reply to “Spring Fever”

  1. It’s not that difficult to find out what the Occupy movement is doing these days. One can subscribe to the Occupy Los Angeles website to find out what they are currently involved in (foreclosures, etc.). Also included in the site is information covering the worldwide Occupy movement. We don’t have to guess if we check out the website. (Watch for activities worlwide on May Day–May 1.

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