Guns Guns Guns

My first thoughts on this hot topic:

We have all agreed that the Second Amendment has constraints. People should not be able to buy surface to air missiles at the local gun shop without a permit or a waiting period. So the argument is about where we draw the line not whether there should be a line. Tanks no. Hunting rifles yes. Automatic weapons no in most states. Assault weapons are on the cusp and banning them is like banning Pit Bulls. It’s the fashion but doesn’t accomplish much.

But banning certain types of guns isn’t the only choice. We can also restrict who can purchase guns, how long they have to wait before delivery and we can require registration.

All of these ideas have merits and dangers. My next post will be about the dangers of gun control.

Continue reading “Guns Guns Guns”

Spring Fever

Who will be demonstrating in your town this spring?  Last year about this time the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations were getting started and were replicating around the nation as the “Occupy Anything” movement.  It is almost spring again.  What will send young people to the streets this year?

Non sequitur photo

If a Republican were president it would almost certainly be the administrations Predator Drone attacks on US citizens without due process.  But a popular Democrat can get by on this one.  Imagine if George Bush were doing it…

It might be the undocumented going to the streets to protest for a pathway to citizenship, I would understand, although I’m not sure it won’t be counter productive.  It might be better to have a stealth campaign where everyone just approaches their friends,neighbors, coworkers and employers and asks for their support.  But these things are unpredictable.

It might be the Tea Party protesting the negative unintended consequences of “Obama Care” that are starting to reverberate through the economy.  We just had a 25% increase in our health care premiums.

My money is on the young over trained under employed intelligentsia.  They have time on their hands and real gripes.  Like no jobs.  What their specific grievance will be is anybody’s guess.

Who do you think will go to the barricades this spring?

Postal Privacy

Facebook Privacy vs US Postal Service Privacy

The USPS delivers junk mail (spam)

They come to your house every day.

They will sell your name and address to anyone.

If you move they stalk you and “forward” mail

So why are we so worried about Facebook’s privacy and we accept as normal the US Postal Service’s existing invasion of our privacy?




Politically Correct Speech

“When/if information of a trial becomes available, I will inform you immediately.

Please continue to pray for Israel (if that is your custom)

Jessica Schwartz

I suppose “if that is your custom” is inserted to show inclusiveness toward non-prayers.  Color added for emphasis.

December 13, 2012 Maxim

“Any person who thinks they can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of them, better take a closer look at the American Indian.”

Henry Ford

American Industrialist

1863 – 1947

(photo courtesy of Wikipedia)

Thanks to Joe S for finding this quote.

Democracy’s Flaw

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government.

It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”

Alexander Fraser Tytler.

Scottish Lawyer

1747 – 1813