What Enslaves Us Today?

Tonight is the beginning of Passover when our people celebrate the escape from slavery under the Egyptians and eventually making it to freedom in the Land of Israel.  It is a great holiday for reflecting on freedom and the right to move around.  I have posted a reflection on the implications of Passover and Immigration on my Rational Immigration site.

Simon at the Western Wall

Rabbi Grater who is my Rabbi at Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center published in the Huffington Post a Top Ten List of Enslavements.  I thought his list was a Progressives distorted view of the world. Full of bad assumptions and even worse solutions and so I prepared my own list of the Top Ten List of Progressive Enslavements.

To give you a flavor of it so you don’t have to go to the jump: The Rabbi’s first item is:

We are enslaved to the notion that capitalism and money are an excuse to do anything we want in the name of freedom.

Mine is:

We are enslaved to the notion that governments can create prosperity even though we have 200 years of evidence showing that less government and more economic freedom make everybody’s lives better.

To read both lists click here.  Your comments are welcome.


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