Do you remember back in 2007 when Senator Obama said: “The President does not have the power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not invol...Read More
When I first came to California in 1974 I earned about $1000 a month as the manager of a small factory. The various governments took about 25% of the money. Has the percentage changed? First it ne...Read More
In the same way that tax breaks are: “Corporate Welfare.” Federal aid to The Corporation for Public Broadcasting and NPR is: “Liberal Welfare.” It can be argued that the corpor...Read More
President Obama and the Democrats were elected in a landslide in November 2008. During the campaign they promised to increase the socialization of the health care system and they did. It was ugly ...Read More
Egypt hit a Tipping Point a few weeks ago and almost nobody saw it coming. If you remember Malcolm Gladwell’s book not seeing it coming is one of the defining things about a tipping point. One...Read More
I was in Washington DC for a screening of my documentary Beyond Borders and had some time between meetings so I visited the Postal Museum near Union Station. In the gift shop they sell postcards and...Read More
With revolution sweeping through the Arab world dictators supported by the US are falling to the people in the street. We have tended to support stability over freedom and as a result we get neither...Read More
So it looks like the President and Congress are getting ready to extend the length of time people can collect unemployment insurance again. This time for another thirteen months. It is wrong to let ...Read More
Subtitle: Don’t promise what you can’t deliver. In the Spring time when you plant you can predict a bumper crop. In the Summer working in the field you can daydream about bounty But in the...Read More