The End of History by Francis Fukuyama I tried to read The End of History back in the 1990s when it first came out and failed. I couldn’t follow the arguments at all and gave up. This time I l...Read More
Unregenerate Adjective: not reforming or showing repentance; obstinately wrong or bad. Example: He was an unregenerate Communist. Still believing, against all evidence, that socialism could work....Read More
When the USSR broke up, Ukraine (one of the pieces in the breakup) had nuclear weapons. In exchange for promises that they would be defended against Russian aggression the Ukrainian government gave up...Read More
The United States and other countries are acting quite firmly to try and effect regime change in Venezuela. Much more firmly than they are acting toward North Korea. Even though both governments are c...Read More
Autarky Noun: A political entity that is completely economically independent. Example: “President Trump believes that the United States could operate as an autarky.” He is wrong....Read More
We went south on Saturday 12/22 to visit friends and to see the Saguaro National Park. It turned out the park was closed because of the fight about the budget. No big deal the visitor center was close...Read More