The Last Days of Night by Graham Moore The book is historical fiction and the story is compelling but the historical inaccuracies, even though admitted, left me wanting stronger fare. It tells the sto...Read More
John Marshall by Richard Brookhiser John Marshall was an aide to George Washington during the revolution. He was not a signer of the Declaration of Independence and he was not a delegate to the Consti...Read More
De Gaulle by Julian Jackson Having read quite a few histories of the 20th Century including a run of Winston Churchill books in 2018 I was pleased to hear about Jackson’s De Gaulle biography. It...Read More
The Water Knife by Paolo Bacigalupi The Water Knife is a dystopian novel about a time in the near future when water wars are breaking out throughout the Western USA. The action is compelling and vivid...Read More
Those Angry Days by Lynne Olson I read Those Angry Days in my history book club and I enjoyed it and learned from it. It was an interesting perspective on the 1930’s and the strength of the isol...Read More
The End of History by Francis Fukuyama I tried to read The End of History back in the 1990s when it first came out and failed. I couldn’t follow the arguments at all and gave up. This time I l...Read More