Idea Filter

“Some ideas are so stupid only intellectuals believe them.”

Thomas Sowell

An idea that probably fits this definition is that we can stop the spread of “invasive species.” The photo shows the sign showing the area near Chicago where they have electrified the Industrial Canal in an attempt to keep the Asian Carp from reaching the Great Lakes. It will fail but only after a lot of money has been spent.


“Attitude is a skill that can be learned and taught.”

According to Walter Isaacson in Elon Musk, Musk focused on attitude when making hiring and firing decisions. He said something to the effect that skills can be learnt but attitude is innate. Seth Godin is paraphrased above saying the opposite. What do you think?

This came up because on the Illinois River while boating with Gene and Carole, I commented on how many young people in service jobs had such cheerful and helpful attitudes. The Bonsai above is another collection from the Huntington Gardens.


It is time for a new TV Game Show to test people’s ability to find out stuff on the internet.

With the advent of AI (artificial Intelligence) and the Smart Phone to access it, general knowledge has become relatively less valuable and knowing how to find it has become more valuable.

Jeopardy is in jeopardy of becoming irrelevant. It can be replaced by GoogleFind. It follows the same rough format as Jeopardy with much more complicated questions. The contestants can use their smart phones to find the answers. The winner is the one who gets the answer first, so the skill tested is how clever you are at formulating the questions for the algorithm. GoogleFind is just a placeholder name, the actual name may vary.

This idea in the right hands can attract a large audience with good demographics and make a lot of money. You’re welcome. First steps: write a treatment and get someone who has run a quiz show to read it.

Photo is another beautiful rose from the Huntington Garden.

Lookout Man? See Ganger

This is the last and the longest sign in the Museum of Making series. It is interesting because it is dated in three ways that I saw. First it is addressed to “Men” since it was assumed that women did not work in the signal department. Second it put the burden of deciding to have a lookout on the workers. And finally it introduces the position of Length Ganger which the context indicates is some sort of foreman or leadman. My how times have changed.

Many thanks to the Museum of Making in Derby UK.

Revolutionary Filing System

A Piling System

Save time and space. Stop using those dangerous and expensive file drawers and filing cabinets As a bonus you you can stop feeling bad about the system you have been using and hating for years. Stacks are good. You don’t have to hate them. In fact: Let Piles Be Your Friend. It would be even cooler if you could make corresponding folders on your electronics.

TSA Compliant

In a local store in Phoenix they cleverly are telling you what you need to know. These travel size products are TSA compliant.

And we all know how important it is to comply with the TSA.

Buy Local

You Can’t Buy Happiness
But You Can Buy Local
& That’s Kind of The
Same Thing.

Chains are for Bikes

Caution: Contents are Deliciously Addictive