The UnLego

Lego is amazing! The parts fit together with incredible precision. Not like real life where the parts don’t fit and everything is a compromise. In real life perfection is not possible. And this is how a new idea starts.

Introducing Un-Lego. Model building the way life really is. And it gets better Un-Lego are made in some of the poorest villages in the world. They are not made by machines of even higher precision than the Lego bricks. The packaging is locally sourced and all of the materials are organic, nontoxic and herbicide free.

Why would you buy this product?

Lego isn’t for everyone. For some it is difficult, for some it is repetitive and for some it stifles creativity.

Building walls and cones from imperfect materials is therapeutic in a way that Lego are not.

Un-Lego are tactile. The experience of touching Un-Lego connects you to their makers. Sometimes you can see or feel a fingerprint.

Your purchase helps families earn their way out of poverty.

Un-Lego is a working name and probably can’t be used because of copyright considerations.

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