Kindle Improvement App

Do you have an eReader of some kind?  A Kindle, an iPad or a Nook?  Then you will probably know what I’m talking about in this post.

EBooks don’t have real pages so the intuitive feel you used to have about how far you are through a book is lost.  Don’t get me wrong I love my old Kindle and now I almost exclusively read books on my iPad but I need more data than “location 3 of 11,415”

Here is the opportunity.  Build an app that is better than eyeballing a bookmark in a print book and far better than the percentage they give you on an eReader.  This new app will actually calculate how many hours it will take you to finish the book you are reading.  It will take into account your historic reading speed and the degree of difficulty of this particular book based on other peoples speeds through the book and give you good data.  I would buy it for a few dollars and so would many others.  But the real opportunity is that Amazon or Apple would buy it for a lot of money.

Merry Christmas

my eCard for the Holidays

I’m giving you this idea.

What do you have for me?




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