Lilli’s First Weekly Column

Simon, (my dad) keeps asking me to comment on his postings and I was resistant until I discovered I could have my own series. Now everyone will have to deal my rantings too. Like father, like daughter. Mostly I am going to talk about my dealings in the garden, which considering my condo life is very limited. However, I do take great joy in pulling the weed most people refer to as mint. Expect pictures of the evil plant in the future but sice this is my first posting I thought I would keep it simple. Also expect some pictures of my two adorable cats, otherwise known as the monsters, Basil and Tictac. Anyway I would love comments and will learn to take the criticism.

2 Replies to “Lilli’s First Weekly Column”

  1. Lil
    Welcome don’t expect to many comments. the way this is set up a person has to hit the no comments button in order to comment so you won’t get many. Set up a Flickr account and upload the mint pictures and I’ll email Matt to set up the link for you.

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