Business Idea

Recently I found myself wanting a card that said something along the lines of “whoops I screwed up”.  Of course I could not find any.  I think that someone should make them and sell them in a 6 pack, with things like “I am a moron” and “sorry for being an a$$”. Just think of all the relationships that the cards could help heal.

Taxi Cabs

So my current obsession is the names of the independent cabs in San Diego.  There are cabs that describe the ride you should have i.e. the “ASAP Cab”, the “Challenger Cab”, the Rumi Cab, and the “Happy Cab”.  Of course,  there are the traditional Yellow Cabs and Orange Cabs but there is also a “Black and White Cab”,  which is red and the “Emerald Cab” which is blue.  But my favorite, however, is the “Maipu Cab”.  The answer to this question is not here!  This obsession has me searching for it where ever I go and hoping to get a picture of it. (We actually turned around the other night when we spotted it but it was gone.) As soon as I get one I will post a picture of it.  Does any other cities have such fun with cabs?  If so I want pictures.

I’m Back

 It has been a while since I posted something. My father asked me to fill in while he is diving with the Codger Divers next month, so I thought I better get a bit of practice.  I am one of the people who checks this site along with many others daily and I thought I might link to some of my favorite finds this week.  

Bad Street names.  A little R rated, but a lot hilarious.

MentalFloss always is humorous and educational.  Now if only I could come up with something useless sell

Let me know if you know any other humorous finds


I am searching in San Diego for a good neighborhood bar near La Jolla. I love going to Lucky Baldwins in Sierra Madre for the Cheers like atmosphere and quality Jutebox, but I have yet to find such a place in San Diego. If anyone has any suggestions on either places to go or ways to find such a place I am all ears.

Magenta Blues

As this week began I was very anxious about a job. I had made it to the final round of interviews, which had included a 45 minute phone interview, a 3 hour group interview and a final 2 hour individual interview with a panel of 6 interviewers. I had been told that I would be called either way on Tuesday. Well Tuesday came and went and I received no phone call. finally on Wednesday I received notification that they had decided on someone else. Surprisingly after the intial let down of not getting the position I am in fantastic spirits. The Big Dance starts today. Go Bruins!!!!

Lilli’s First Weekly Column

Simon, (my dad) keeps asking me to comment on his postings and I was resistant until I discovered I could have my own series. Now everyone will have to deal my rantings too. Like father, like daughter. Mostly I am going to talk about my dealings in the garden, which considering my condo life is very limited. However, I do take great joy in pulling the weed most people refer to as mint. Expect pictures of the evil plant in the future but sice this is my first posting I thought I would keep it simple. Also expect some pictures of my two adorable cats, otherwise known as the monsters, Basil and Tictac. Anyway I would love comments and will learn to take the criticism.