This is a rewrite of a post from 2008. “In a British newspaper interview published May 24 2008 actress Susan Sarandon told London’s Telegraph she’ll consider moving to Italy or Canada if John McCain wins over Barack Obama. In an interview, Sarandon fumed: “If McCain gets in, it’s going to be very, very dangerous….It’s a critical time, but I have faith in the American people. If they prove me wrong, I’ll be checking out a move to Italy. Maybe Canada, I don’t know. We’re at an abyss.” I’m not sure if Ms Sarandon repeated her threat when Trump was elected eight years later. I doubt that she left. Threatening to leave is much more common than actually leaving.
My Father made a similar threat about leaving if Kennedy was elected in 1960. He was elected, Dad didn’t leave and the country survived. The president is less powerful than fearmongers think. If President Biden is reelected I’m staying. If Donald Trump is reelected I’m staying. The USA has survived lots of bad presidents and it will continue to be one of the best places in the world for regular people to live.
Photo is from a postcard I received from The Czech Republic.
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