If _____ is elected I’m leaving.

The Media Research Center reported that: “In a British newspaper interview published May 24 actress Susan Sarandon told London’s Telegraph she’ll consider moving to Italy or Canada if John McCain wins over Barack Obama. In an interview, Sarandon fumed: “If McCain gets in, it’s going to be very, very dangerous….It’s a critical time, but I have faith in the American people. If they prove me wrong, I’ll be checking out a move to Italy. Maybe Canada, I don’t know. We’re at an abyss.”

My Father made a similar threat about leaving if Kennedy was elected.  He was elected, Dad didn’t leave and the country survived. I’m going to go out an a limb and predict that Susan Sarandon won’t leave if McCain is elected and that the country will continue to thrive. Sarandon is as qualified as my father to make comments about the future of the US.  Meaning they are both completely and totally unqualified.

If McCain is elected I’m staying.  If Obama is elected I’m staying.  These are two of the best candidates we have had in a long time.  My vote is still up in the air.  Although I will admit that I gave money to McCain in the primaries when Huckabee was surging.

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2 thoughts on “If _____ is elected I’m leaving.

  1. I’ve been through many election cycles now and some pundit always says “this is the most important election of out lives”
    If Obama is elected he’ll tax and spent and waste a lot of money. If McCain is elected he’ll spend and borrow and waste a lot of money.

    I’ll stay too and hang on to as much as I can and as Simon says “life is good”


  2. I’ve been through many election cycles now and some pundit always says “this is the most important election of out lives”

    If Obama is elected he’ll tax and spent and waste a lot of money. If McCain is elected he’ll spend and borrow and waste a lot of money.

    I’ll stay too and hang on to as much as I can and as Simon says “life is good”


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