Tactile Satisfaction

When touching something feels good you are experiencing tactile satisfaction. The desire for tactile satisfaction influences us in many ways. Many people want to feel cloth before they buy clothes. perhaps there are enough of them to save retail clothing stores from being destroyed by Amazon. Packaged fresh vegetables has not caught on in the USA yet It is the norm in European markets. Perhaps because many people want the tactile satisfaction of touching the fruit to get sense of its ripeness. It may be the reason that board games still thrive even though computer games are endemic. The senses of touch and feel have been getting less consideration in this electronic age but they still have an outsize influence on our subconscious decisions.

A short list of tactile satisfiers/dissatisfiers: Leather vs Vinyl seats, Plastic cutlery, Silk, Eucalyptus Bark, Massage, Warm water, A hug, A comfortable chair, Ripe oranges, Styrofoam, Apple Computers designs.