
The real problem of humanity is we have paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions and God like technology. It is extremely dangerous.

A great quote from E.O. Wilson the Harvard professor who discovered so much about ants as a communal insect. The first photo is of a bas relief discovered at Herculaneum. We toured there yesterday with a great guide. It is like Pompeii but was covered with mud when Vesuvius erupted while Pompeii was covered with ash. So Herculaneum was better preserved but harder to excavate.

A container ship to show our “God like” technology.

Tactile Satisfaction

When touching something feels good you are experiencing tactile satisfaction. The desire for tactile satisfaction influences us in many ways. Many people want to feel cloth before they buy clothes. perhaps there are enough of them to save retail clothing stores from being destroyed by Amazon. Packaged fresh vegetables has not caught on in the USA yet It is the norm in European markets. Perhaps because many people want the tactile satisfaction of touching the fruit to get sense of its ripeness. It may be the reason that board games still thrive even though computer games are endemic. The senses of touch and feel have been getting less consideration in this electronic age but they still have an outsize influence on our subconscious decisions.

A short list of tactile satisfiers/dissatisfiers: Leather vs Vinyl seats, Plastic cutlery, Silk, Eucalyptus Bark, Massage, Warm water, A hug, A comfortable chair, Ripe oranges, Styrofoam, Apple Computers designs.

Social Justice

“Social Justice” is a dangerous platitude. It implies that the normal justice system isn’t adequate for the current circumstances and that there is justice that is more fair. One of the dangers of “social justice” is that it is not actionable. It is not possible to get to equality of outcome so there will always be a need for more “social justice.” I understand the need and the danger in giving those who are behind at the start of the race a helping hand but don’t pretend it is social justice.

This Inukshuk was created in the Phoenix Mountain Preserve as part of the anti-Tiktok campaign.


“Have a teamwork attitude about everything.”

Thank you to Oscar Guerrero for this one and for the engraved bowl with some of the quotes he attributed to me and found memorable.

Ten words or less wisdom number eighteen