WWIT About: “Asylum Seekers”

WWIT is an Acronym for “What Was I Thinking.”

“Asylum Seekers” are the new hole in the generally protectionist armor of our immigration policy. Judges have said and the administration has implemented a policy of “all asylum seekers will get a fair hearing.”  Which means they get to stay in the USA until they get the hearing. I favor the policy, they could have done the implementation better. The number of asylum seekers is growing rapidly although the total is still small (120,000 this year).

Why is it a surprise that the number of people trying to cross the border is increasing? America is still the “promised land.” Claiming asylum gets you a toehold in the promised land.

We need an amnesty with a bond requirement so the immigrant won’t become a burden on the various taxpayers. We also need a huge increase in legal immigration and many kinds of acculturation programs. All paid for by immigration fees. We know what migrants will pay coyotes. That number is an indicator of the value others place on working in the USA.

Nurit took this great picture of me from the ski lodge in Switzerland. Elevation around 10,000 ft. I’m on the right.

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