What Was I Thinking About Abortion

A search of my blog site shows that I have never bothered to make a post about abortion directly. But I have addressed it obliquely and after the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs Wade i wanted to put in writing where I stand and memorialize my forecast. I support women’s right to have an abortion until she is carrying a viable child. I think that then the child starts to gain some rights. When exactly that is is for the society to decide via the political process.

I opposed Roe Vs Wade because it was a stretch to find a constitutional right for abortion and I thought that the question should be decided by legislatures. Roe vs Wade put an end to that process for fifty years. I am confident that what just happened in Kansas will happen across the country. When people are asked to vote they understand that there needs to be a right to end an unwanted or dangerous pregnancy and they will elect legislators to make that clear or pass state initiatives to allow it. The details will vary from state to state and it will take years to work out but we will get there.

The constitution is silent on a lot of issues. Dog ownership for instance. But they are covered in the tenth amendment. The Supreme Court was not ruling against abortion they were saying this is a decision for the people to make. We are getting a dog.

2 Replies to “What Was I Thinking About Abortion”

  1. First of all I am glad you are getting a dog and I hope you name her.she, they Fido or Rover I have never met a dog with any of these names. Second. If you happen to get a female dog I hope your dog does not meet some bully dog who rapes her because if she needs an abortion and the vet says “no” it may have to go to a grand jury and I am thankful you know something about them. If abortions are not ok for people why should they be OK for Pets.
    Most importantly– I know that the pro life and pro choice people throw around the term constitutional right. I never read Roe Vs Wade in its entirety but I am doubtful that it addresses the rights it granted as “constitutional” The Supreme court hands down numerous decisions that are not constitutional (The Gore Bush Election is a good example)– We have a 3 legged system (judicial, legislative are just 2 of them and its unfortunate that the fear of legislators to make controversial votes and “kick the can down the road has put so much power in the judicial system. For me the good part of Roe Vs Wade, is it was universal across the US.. Now its getting ugly (some states say no, some say yes, some say come get one in our state, some say if you fly to that other state we are gonna throw you in jail. And some of those people who are pro life seem to think that a fetus life is more important that a doctor or nurse who works at one of these clinics. It seems to me that the Supreme Court just threw open the door to “State by state medical tourism.. So lets buy some airline stock

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