WWIT about Covid update

On September 8 the President gave a talk announcing that he was going to use OSHA to enforce a mandatory vaccination program. 

Some said it was an attempt to divert attention from the Afghanistan disaster, some said he wanted to increase the vaccination rate and this was a tool he had in his tool box to make it happen. Both can be true. 

Personally I am vaccinated as are all those around me and I feel pretty safe. People who are not vaccinated are in my opinion fools but they are not really a significant threat to me or to anyone else who is vaccinated. 

So what is all the fuss about. Is it the role of the federal government to protect us against all risks? Should they also be responsible for happiness? 

It was my opinion from the start of the Covid epidemic that we were over reacting and I still feel that way. In a country where 3 million people die every year 700,000 over two years is a problem but not one that requires the federal government usurping massive new powers. If they want to have a vaccine mandate then the Congress should pass one. 

Photo is fisherman humor from the Olympic Peninsula.

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