WWIT Episode 4, Light Rail in Phoenix

WWIT is an acronym for What Was I Thinking. It was started as a way for me to comment on current affairs so that this record won’t have gaps like there are in my Vietnam journal.

In Phoenix we had an election last week about whether we should continue building the light rail. I voted yes which meant I was opposed to continuing building it.The measure was soundly defeated in a low turnout election. (23% of eligible voters) Apparently the voters want public transportation. My opposition was based on my wanting to go directly to a subway system and my not wanting to segregate the poor.

Cars are popular because they are the preferred balance of convenience and cost for most people. But as cities get larger they don’t have the roads to carry all of the cars and near gridlock ensues. Subways can relieve some of the congestion. Light rail built at grade level often on city streets creates as much congestion as it relieves.

So again I’m on the losing side of a public policy debate.

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