The Concierge State

We call it the Nanny State and don’t like it because as it attempts to make you safer it becomes intrusive and takes away freedom of choice.

But if you call it the Concierge State it sounds pretty good. Same intrusions and limited choices but with an attitude of helping and positiveness.

I’ve had three examples of the concierge state this year.  First was on my dive trip to Palau with Brock in January.  It was a live aboard boat where everything was taken care of, choices were limited and everybody but the guy from Switzerland was happy.  The second was my visit to the DMV in July for my drivers license renewal.  There was a man by the door who directed me where I needed to go and then checked on me to make sure it was going well.  And then this week we went to the Valencia Hotel in La Jolla and rather than use Open Table we let the concierge make our reservation for dinner.  What a difference.  So from now on I’m choosing to sacrifice choice for the concierge state.

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