The Media Research Center reported that: “In a British newspaper interview published May 24 actress Susan Sarandon told London’s Telegraph she’ll consider moving to Italy or Canada i...Read More
In 1971 gasoline was $0.35 a gallon in California and a first class stamp cost $0.08 now gasoline costs $4.00 and first class postage is $0.42. Gasoline has gone up by a factor of 11 and postage has g...Read More
Obama and Hillary favor the farm bill that takes billions from taxpayers and gives it to rich farmers. No more politics as usual? McCain opposes the farm bill because it is “welfare for the ri...Read More
The Indiana and North Carolina primaries are today and again we news junkies are stirred up about the results. The Democrats this year are determined to tear their party apart and dramatically chang...Read More
Barack Obama said on Saturday “What the American people are looking for is somebody who can solve their problems.” Senator Obama I beg to disagree. What the American people want is a chanc...Read More
I received this from my sister-in-law a renowned Danish expert: We in Denmark cannot figure out why you are even bothering to hold an election. On one side, you have a bitch who is a lawyer, married t...Read More
The title says it all. A few years ago the worrying class felt that we have to encourage “energy independence” by subsidizing corn production for ethanol. So we used taxpayer money and t...Read More
David Mamet, the author best known out here in the hinterland for “Wag the Dog,” wrote an article in the Village Voice titled: “Why I am no Longer a ‘Brain-Dead Liberal.'”...Read More
It seems like every month another politician gets caught with his pants down. It is always the men. Which could be another reason to elect women but that is another story. Elliot Spitzer hired prostit...Read More
This is the third week in a row that I have written a political commentary on Friday. Maybe it’s a trend. This week I want to talk about the Michigan and Florida primaries, how the Democrat party ha...Read More