“The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.” Winston Churchill. I wrote this post on Monday before the election. I wonder how it will stand...Read More
As American citizens, we have the right to not vote. But even if you are totally disgusted with the current crop of candidates you still should vote. If you don’t vote it can be interpreted as a...Read More
The designation on Thursday by President Obama of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument took me completely by surprise. I had no idea that a change of status for part of what is now a National...Read More
A few weeks ago I was introduced by political writer Jim Geraghty to the concept of “security theater.” He defined it as “visible actions to make people feel comfortable while doing no...Read More
“After all if you can’t trust governments, whom can you trust?” Raising Steam by Terry Pratchett Bonus quote: “Stumbleweeds are like tumbleweeds but less athletic.”...Read More
“Inequality in the USA is not a struggle between the “haves” and the “have nots” but a social friction between those who have a lot and others who have more.” Neil Gilbert ...Read More
Dear President Obama. A year or so ago President Assad in Syria crossed your “red line.” He used poison gas on his enemies and you let him get away with it. Later President Putin took Cr...Read More
Since the 1970’s Nutritionists and Doctors have been warning about the dangers of fat. Butter was deemed to be a particularly insidious danger and its usage was discouraged. Now the same Nut...Read More