Happy Christmas

“Christmas isn’t a season. It’s a feeling”

Edna Ferber

Be kind and agreeable. In this holiday season you can’t go far wrong by doing the opposite of what Donald Trump would do.

Photo was taken a few years ago in Phoenix. My dream car decorated.

Happy Christmas

In the late 1960s when I was a hippie carpenter in upstate NY I drove a VW van like this. It had a terrible heater and in the winter when I was driving home drunk late at night I would almost freeze to death.
Those were the good old days.
Merry Christmas

Smart Car Auf Wiedersehen

Nostalgic Reprint from October 2009

It is time to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the sale of my Smart Car

I sold it.


Easy to park.  Drives like a golf cart.

The beauty of having a car that was easy to park was not enough to make up for the uncomfortable ride and the lack of power.  Now I’m driving Rebecca’s Mini-Cooper while she is in the UK then we shall see.

Read about the happy day I bought the Smart Car.

All Smart Car stories

Nesting Falcon

Nesting Falcon

It is a beautiful sight to see one nesting high up in a majestic Eucalyptus tree!

I’ve seen many remarkable nature photographs over the years but this photo of a nesting falcon is memorable.


Practice being a passenger.

Growing old with grace means giving up tasks that you thought of as part of your identity. Driving and writing checks come to mind but there are lots of others. It is much easier to give up things if you mentally adjust by seeing the benefit of not doing them: “If I’m not driving I can see the scenery more.” and by visualizing your identity around being an elder/teacher not as a doer.