Facemask Hat

A face mask baseball cap combination has a lot of a advantages. Your mask is on your hat so you won’t forget it, It is handy when you need it, It is virtue signaling made easy. Nurit and I had this idea yesterday. Please feel free to steal it, improve it and be the first …

Environmental Confusion

Carrying a refillable water bottle is an excellent way of virtue signaling that you care about the environment. It should be pointed out that some of that virtue is lost when the bottle comes wrapped in bubble wrap in a cardboard box. Life is a paradox.

Straw Math

This is not a simple story with a shockingly memorable video. It is a collection of facts. I want to persuade you to direct your environmental attention into actions that will have a real effect on the environment and will not just be virtue signaling. here we go: 1000 straws weigh about 9 ounces (250 …


I wrote a blog post in February of 2008 warning that Plastic Straws were an Environmental Abomination. https://simonburrow.com/?p=604 Straws in Water My opinion about straws and other environmental issues has evolved since then. Because of the video of the turtle and the straw being anti-straw has suddenly become popular. It is a great way of …