3rd Order Saguaro Number 2

This old Saguaro has had a tough life. But it has made it to the third order. We found it in the Maricopa Mountains Wilderness near the trailhead for the Brittlebrush Trail. Maybe the third order Saguaros are more common than crested Saguaro. Time will tell.

Saguaro Cactus Third Order

On Sunday Nurit and I followed up on a lead from Peter and found the rare and very old third order Saguaro Cactus. It has a branch off the trunk and then a branch off the branch and then finally a branch off the second branch. It was the first third order Saguaro we’ve seen. I believe they are less common than Crested Saguaros. This is the culmination of one of my first ASG’s (Arbitrary Stupid Goal)
Thanks to Peter B for the lead that helped us find it.


ASG is an acronym for an Arbitrary Stupid Goal just like in the eponymous book by Tamara Shopsin. I am trying out the concept because I think it does lead to opportunities for serendipity.

In this case the ASG is searching for Saguaro Cacti that have branches on branches on branches. The one pictured above only has branches on branches. My hiking buddy Bob and I are calling it the search for the third order Saguaro. I’m sure we won’t find it in Ohio.