McMinnville Tool Library The name is self explanatory. It will be a library full of tools that you can borrow. So when you need a 25 foot long snake to clear your drain you don’t have to buy one...Read More
Pareidolia Noun: A brain phenomenon in which a person sees or hears something significant in a random image or pattern. Pareidolia is what causes peoples to see faces in inanimate objects. Pronounced ...Read More
What happened to the leaders of the “Free Tibet” movement? It is likely that the same will happen to the leaders of the “Free Palestine” movement. Painting by Phoenix muralist Thomas M...Read More
“The journey is the destination.” Ralph Waldo Emerson Photo is of my hiking buddies starting down from the Senior Summit on Piestewa Peak on a Sunday morning at dawn....Read More
It happened, Trump is going to be President again. I predicted he wouldn’t win. Now I predict it won’t be too bad and might be pretty good for everybody except Volodymyr Zelensky and a few...Read More
“The greater the complexity of a system, the more likely that system is to fail.” David Galland, The Rational Optimist Society The photo is an Inuk Shuk I built in Granada Park in Phoenix....Read More
Altruism Noun: The principle and practice of concern for the well-being and/or happiness of other humans, animals or the planet, without expectation of repayment. Example: “Florence Nightingale&...Read More
“The world is messy. There are ambiguities. People who do really good stuff have flaws.” President Barak Obama Photo is of a spot rainbow at dusk in Phoenix....Read More
“It is a sad day when the public has to witness the privilege of the ruling class.” My comment when I heard of the pardon of Hunter Biden by his father the President. It is no wonder people are pi...Read More
“Despite the headlines, we live in the most peaceful, most prosperous, most progressive era in human history.” Matt Ridley author of The Rational Optimist And another plug for the weekly email fro...Read More