Wind Storm

On the last day of November we had a giant wind storm in Southern California.  It was particularly bad in the San Gabriel Valley where we live.  We had some roof tiles blow off our house and some very large and unstable eucalyptus trees just down the hill from us blew over.


Many people were without power for days.  We only lost power for one day.  For me It was a reminder of how privileged we are, how much convenience we take for granted and how easily a disruption of our routine can upset us.

Perspective:  At least a billion people in the world never lose electricity or water because they have never had electricity or running water.

Lightening Strike

While we were in Santa Fe there was a big storm with about 1.5 inches of rain and some lightening.  One bolt hit a redwood tree in a yard two houses down from us.


The 100′ Redwood as seen from our yard.


A close-up shows the lightening track down the trunk.

We do have weather in Southern California.

More Weather

In Pasadena when the storm ended we could see the mountains and there was snow down to the 4000 foot level.  I took this not very good picture to prove it to you:


Why do people live where there is snow right where they live?


My friend Tom S’s boat in Baltimore.

It must be inertia.