President Obama Has Failed

President Obama has failed and conservatives should be rejoicing.  One of his signature promises was to do something about income inequality.  He has failed.  The rich in America are getting richer and here is evidence:

The evidence is visible from the Intercoastal Waterway

Last month we took Gene B’s boat from near Savannah, Georgia to St Petersburg, Florida about a thousand miles.  Savannah is on the Atlantic Ocean and St Petersburg is on the Gulf of Mexico.  I was on board for a bit over half of the trip.  During the first leg we went down the Intercoastal Waterway from North Palm Beach to Miami.  It is where the ostentatious rich live.  They have thirty million dollar homes and ten million dollar boats with helicopters.  It was as amazing a display of wealth as I have ever seen.

An ordinary yacht

President Obama has failed.  The rich are still rich and are apparently getting richer.

I estimate the custom cover on this helicopter cost more than the average car.



4 Replies to “President Obama Has Failed”

  1. Good! Fuck the comunist pigs.
    Taking from the rich and and giving it to the poor, less administration fees, only makes richer politicians and more of the poor.

  2. I think you misremember Obama’s pledges during his election campaigns. In my memory, he never promised to reduce income inequality. He said he would fight for the middle class, which is not the same thing. Even if he mentioned it, I would not characterize it as a “signature promise” unless I am getting dementia a lot quicker than I thought.

  3. Darrell,

    I guess you are a true believer.

    I recall ” If you like your plan you can keep your plan”.

    “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor”

    “There will be no boots on the ground in Iraq”;but now there are 3000 troops; perhaps they wear sandals now. As a former Army Ranger we all wore boots…..and they were usually on the ground.

    The list goes on;including clear stats on lower take home pay for the middle class in America.

    I was a lifelong Democrat; but I feel Obama has set liberals and Democrats back 30 years.

    I have found that 3 things ALWAYS come out:
    The sun
    The moon..
    and the truth

    Time to face it,I did.

  4. Darrell
    I think it might be CRS. (Can’t Remember Stuff) I was thinking about the President’s interaction with “Joe the Plumber.”
    But it hasn’t worked and I’m pleased because I like rich people and as Ron Swanson said: “Capitalism is Gods way of determining who is smart and who isn’t.”

    If you take from Peter to pay Paul. You can always count on the support of Paul.



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