Why I am an Optimist

What a great country.  The election of Barack Obama (I just added Barack and Obama to my on-line dictionary) and the gracious acceptance of defeat by John McCain are evidence how great it is.  Although in the margin I supported McCain I understand the desire of so many people to vote for Obama.  We are making history.

If President Obama can govern half as well as he could campaign, he will be a great President.

I am almost always optimistic and now is no different.  The financial markets are not finished finding a new level yet and in terms of overall prosperity we may go backwards for another five years.  But the trend line for the US and the world is very good.

  • The growth of population is slowing rapidly (see Fewer by Ben Wattenberg)
  • Prosperity is increasing around the world
  • Starvation and disease are being conquered
  • Technology continues to making living less brutal and short
  • Freedom is increasing and despotic regimes are more beleaguered than ever

It is hard to see these trends through the fog of the crisis of the day news reporting.  There is a way to confirm that I am right.  All you have to do is the hundred year test.  Ask this question: How many people alive today would trade places with someone in their current occupation 100 years ago?  Would you?

We are making remarkable progress in improving the human condition and there is every reason to believe the progress will continue.  Of course there is lots more to be done.  Lets keep working at it.

John McCain in his concession letter that I received this morning said:

“We urge you to join us in not just congratulating Senator Obama, but offering our next president our good will and earnest effort to find ways to come together as a nation. Whatever our differences may be, we are all fellow Americans.
We are truly blessed to live in this great country and call ourselves Americans, and we will forever be her loyal servants.
Today, let there be no reason now for any American to fail to cherish their citizenship in this, the greatest nation on Earth.”

Democracy works and progress continues.  What a great country!

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7 thoughts on “Why I am an Optimist

  1. Simon, Step back to 1908, probably not, but 1958, you bet. Especially if I could land a new ’58 Impala Convertible with a 409/4speed.

    As you know, I too supported McCain to the bitter end but waffled slightly when he supported the most recent bail-out with all it’s D.C. earmarks. A year ago I would have picked Obama over the 2 front running republicans or the second place democrat.

    My hope is you are correct, but my vision of all governments is, they would be the last group of individuals I would want trying to solve my problems. And I include 99% of the ones I’ve been exposed to.


  2. Simon–always a treat to hear from you. I too voted for JmcC–and am grateful to be an American and that we have a black pres. But I’m fearful:
    -That trade-myopia will continue (such as the defeat of the Columbian treaty which would have created export-related jobs, such as Catepillar etc)
    -That the newly requested “Stimulous” will overlook incentives (a la accel deprec,lower FIT,etc.) for businesses of all sizes to expand–that’s where the jobs will be.
    -And to use your great expression: tch a man to fish vs feed him a fish. Why is no-one talking education and retraining of US auto workers (in a hopelessly mired industry).
    –too much taxing the wealthy will stifle charitable giving–where so much $$ for arts and humanity causes comes from.
    Best to you and Nurit!! LB

  3. Email from Rachel B:
    I’m disappointed in you Simon! the last time we spoke (albeit around primary season) you said you were supporting Obama!

  4. Email from Lynn B in Pasadena:
    So true, Simon. He has the opportunity and now it is up to him. It would be nice to be more united for the better cause.

  5. Exerts from an email from Harte R:
    While I respect Obama for his excellent rhetorical capabilities (the man is one great orator!), his inexperience and his social agenda will not have a positive affect on this nation.
    Many think that Obama and the Dems will now resolve all their problems.
    They’re in for a rude surprise. It is only going to cost them more.

    Do I sound pessimistic..? 😉

  6. Email from Gene B in Georgia:
    There is much vitriol around here about the election. When I am asked I say this election is an affirmation of our democracy and a tribute to us, that a man such as Obama can come out of the political process as president, we all should be very pleased.

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