Struggling to Survive

This is my latest attempt to change someones mind about immigration.  It is difficult because most people have their minds made up on this issue.  I’m mostly an “open borders” person.  But I understand that the thought of open borders is too scary for most people. So my fallback position is to get the immigrant receiving countries to allow legal immigration of about one percent of their populations each year.  And to give special preference to refugees from wars.  Like the people in Syria right now.


Some people have cautioned me that I shouldn’t use any incident related to the Holocaust to illustrate a point about immigration because it depreciates the Holocaust and creates a false parallel.  To that I would answer that the families of the thirty thousand plus people being held in detention centers by the US government do feel like they are living through a holocaust.  And we like the citizens of the USA in 1939 are allowing it to happen.  This isn’t about the Holocaust this is about the US’s will to do something about it.


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